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Our line painting is accurate, precise, reliable, and provides great quality. Here at Mr. Greenthumb we are dedicated to providing high quality pavement markings and as always providing excellent customer service to all of our clients. We provide skilled workers that have years of experience and top notch workmanship is our standard.

We offer our expertise for roads, parking lots, warehouses, and warning signs painted on the road, for example ‘no parking’. What many people don’t know about painting lines is there is a lot of work and timing is essential when painting pavement. The ground, the air, and the paint must all be at the right temperature for paint to look right, feel right, and stick right to the surface. Proper amounts are the most important, not enough they fade away in no time at all, too much the will look bumpy, feel bumpy, and will wash or fade away in the Southern Alberta sun, wind, rain, and snow. We use the highest and best quality paint and supplies possible to ensure that road markings are done accurately, timely, and professional.


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If you have a question about our services, our great rates, or how we can put you into beautiful surroundings, we’d love to talk to you personally!